Voor de sprinklerspecialist.
Omschrijving | Samenvatting van de wijzigingen |
DS 7-112 Lithium-Ion Battery Manufacturing and Storage | This is the first publication of the data sheet. |
DS 3-26 Fire Protection for Nonstorage Occupancies | Interim revision. Significant changes include the following: Added a sentence to the scope, Section 1.0, to address incidental and low-piled storage covered in this data sheet.Clarified which sprinkler discharge pattern obstruction rules to follow in Section applicable occupancy use for K14EC (K200EC) sidewall sprinklers in Section Table headings to specify the maximum ceiling height for the designs provided. |
DS 7-78 Industrial Exhaust Systems | Interim revision. The following changes were made: Reduced sprinkler discharge requirements.Removed the requirement for increased spacing inside ducts. Included a new section on chimney liners from FM Property Loss Prevention Data Sheet 1-13, Chimneys.Clarified that process piping is not covered. |
DS 8-1 Commodity Classification | Interim revision. The following changes were made: Removed guidance for li-ion batteries and relocated to FM Loss Prevention Data Sheet 7-112, Li-ion Battery Manufacturing and Storage.Updated Table 2.3, ID 7 section reference to see Data Sheet 7-112.Added FM reference to Data Sheet 7-112 in Section 4.1.Removed li-ion battery related definitions from Appendix A. |
DS 8-9 Storage of Class 1, 2, 3, 4 and Plastic Commodities | Interim revision. Minor editorial changes were made. |
Naar Normen en voorschriften: Normen
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